Let’s get the party started!! If
there is a drink present on every tapas table on every single bar of Spain that
has to be VINO!! Wine, or some variation of it, is the Spanish national
drink. We have great and affordable
wines across the country and we also have many ways to drink it. Of course we drink good wines on their own and
with great pleasure, but we are not afraid of mixing some wines to make them
more refreshing or more suitable for the occasion. We mix wine with soda during hot summer days,
and we call that Tinto de Verano. Young people (that cannot afford liquor) mix
it with coca cola and ice, and we call that Calimocho.
Or we mix it with fresh fruit and other
liquors to accompany dinners and ensure that everyone has a good time, we call
that Sangría, and if a bar is serving
sangría it is going to get loud!
has heard about sangría before and there are tons of recipes online for it, even
with white wine. But the most classic sangría
that is served in most places in Spain is always going to be with red wine, fresh
fruit, some type of soda and liquor.
Sangría is mostly served during
dinner time at restaurants and not as a drink by itself, thus nobody eats the
fruit that falls in the glass. The fruit
is just added to give aroma and flavors but then it stays in the pitcher. It is funny how people from other countries
don’t understand that. The first time I
made a big bowl of sangría for a party with international students we ran out
of fruit in about 45 minutes, people had eaten it all!
So, however you decide to serve it
or whatever you want to do with the fruit here is a recipe to try with your next
tapas dinner!
Here’s what you will need:
Pitcher or bowl to serve the sangría
Wooden or plastic spoon to stir it
Knife and cutting board to prepare the fruit
Red wine (I normally use cabernet or merlot. Go for a cheap box wine, cause you won’t be
able to taste it that much)
Oranges (do not peel, just slice)
Apples (do not peel, just slice)
Peaches (do not peel, just slice)
Other fruits include banana (this one you peel),
pear, or other seasonal fruits. You can get creative here. Just remember the fruit is for flavor and not
the main ingredient.
Lemonade and orange soda
Other liquors (rum, vodka, gin, brandy). Please
pick just ONE of these in addition to the vermouth or you will regret it
Start by rinsing and cutting up the fruit in
slices. When ready you can put it in the
bottom of the pitcher or bowl.
Add the wine to the pitcher. I never measure the amount when I’m preparing
sangría but think how strong you want it to be.
If you want a lighter (not as alcoholic) sangría go for 50/50, that is
50% wine and 50% soda with a touch of vermouth. If you want a strong one
(people getting red ears and stuff like that) go for 2/3 of wine and 1/3 of
soda and go harder on the liquors. Think
that you can always add more liquor or more soda to bring it to the right point.
Add the sugar. I add about 3/4 of a cup for
every ½ gallon of sangría
Add lemonade and orange soda (50/50 of each)to
taste - as explained above
Add vermouth to taste (don’t be scared as it’s
not too alcoholic)
Add another type of liquor carefully (be scared
this time!)
Stir well and let it REST for at least 30 min
before serving
Add ice and serve
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